Can you run a furnace with a generator? Yes, running a gas furnace is possible with a portable generator. So, if you go to an area where there is no electricity, but you have to use a gas furnace, you can easily connect it to a portable generator, which is very easy to carry.
What is a gas furnace used for?
In the easiest words – a gas furnace is a device that uses natural gas to heat the air. It burns natural gas with electricity to produce hot air that warms the entire room.
The BTU’s (British Thermal Unit) rating determines the efficiency of a gas furnace. The institution determines the rating according to the efficiency of the furnace and how it converts fuel and heats the maximum input. The AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) refers to the best performance. A 97% or higher rating indicates that 97% of the fuel used to heat the home has been burned. The rest of the fuel (3%) has been lost and remains on the chimney.
How can I run a gas furnace with a portable generator?
Now, we are going to discuss connecting a gas furnace with a portable generator. You should just follow the steps.
- Turn off the main breaker box power
A switch is used to turn the power of the breaker; you must turn it off to connect the generator to the furnace. It will help decrease the possibility of getting an electric shock.
- Find the transfer switch
The transfer switch for the generator is just beside the main electrical panel. You have to find it and connect it to the furnace.
- Turn on the power
Now, the power to the main breaker box should be turned on. When the electricity goes out, you should turn on the furnace, and it will work automatically with the power of the generator. You can also check the connection by turning on the furnace.
How can I select a suitable generator for running a furnace?
An inappropriate generator cannot run your furnace properly. Moreover, the generator with insufficient power can be damaged soon.
All generators are not suitable for all furnaces. There are several factors determining the appropriate generator for a specific furnace.
Size of a furnace
It is also important to determine the perfect size of the furnace. If your home is larger, you should not use a too-small furnace because it will fail to heat the house inside.
On the other hand, a too-large furnace produces excessive heat in small rooms.
The climate is one of the most important factors that strongly determine the size and power of the furnace. If you live in an extremely cold area with temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit, you will need to use a more powerful furnace. In this situation, a large generator is a must for operating the furnace successfully.
Power of the furnace
There are different types of furnaces with various sizes and powers. The ideal size for an average furnace is 50,000 BTU. But if the size of the furnace is less than 50000 BTU, you can use a smaller, portable generator. Some furnaces are available in 25000 BTU sizes, and some can be 100000 BTU.
Can a furnace be damaged by running with a generator?
No, it is safe if you maintain proper guidelines. Suppose you have a generator with 5500 watts. You can easily use it to run your furnace because the power of the generator is sufficient to provide electricity to it. If the generator has a higher wattage, it can benefit your furnace.
But what should you do if you have a generator with low efficiency? If you think a higher-wattage generator is necessary to run your furnace, you must buy another generator and connect it to the furnace. Thus, the combination of the two generators will run your furnace safely.
A variety of generators in the world have different wattages and powers. Generally, 10000 to 50000 watts are sufficient for powering a furnace. So, if your generator has the ability to provide 10,000 watts of power, you can easily set it to run your furnace successfully.
The gas furnaces are easily operated with a portable generator. So, they are suitable for use in rural areas because portable generators are easy to carry. The necessary wattage of the furnace determines the appropriate generator for it. So, when you want to run the furnace with a generator, you must check its wattage and the ability of the generator.